"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" -II Chronicles 7:14
I was debating whether or not I should write about my thoughts on the allegations brought against Bishop Eddie Long and the 25,000+ members of New Birth. The media is having a field day with testimonials from the accusers, photos from Bishop Long's phone, and criticism about Bishop Long's speech last Sunday. On social media websites like Twitter Bishop Long's name consistently appears in the list of top ten worldwide trending topics. At every church, restaurant, and backyard game of dominoes across the country you can bet Bishop Long is the topic of conversation, especially in the Black community.
Quite frankly, I am tired of it all.
This media massacre to me, resembles a Wednesday night Klu Klux Klan meeting in the back woods of Willacoochee, Georgia, 1960.
The men gather upset in a frenzy about neighborhood debutant Ellie Mae who was raped on Monday. Ellie Mae says she was raped by a Black man. She identifies this Black man as Jesse Young, an outspoken young man, father, husband, farmer and store owner. A Black man owning his own store and his own land in 1960 Willacoochee, Georgia? An abomination! No questions asked the men get dressed and hide behind their finest white bed sheets, hop on their horses and ride to Jesse's home. Inside, Jesse is having dinner with his wife and his two daughters. The men call for Jesse to come outside. Jesse looks out of his window, sees the men, and immediately tends to his family first. Jesse motions for his wife and children to hide in the pantry. The men begin to get irate because Jesse did not come outside when they called him. So they start setting up for their burning ritual. In the center of Jesse's front yard they plunge a wooden cross into the ground, and drenched it with gasoline. They called for Jesse one last time. Jesse did not move. They approached Jesse's home and poured gasoline all over it. Then they lit his home ablaze, walked back to the cross and set it afire. They laughed at their acts of terrorism, hopped on their horses, and rode off into the night. Jesse and his family manage to get out of their burning home and run a mile up the road to a neighbor's home. But at the center of it all the cross is left burning in the middle of the yard.
In this blog I really want to talk to my fellow Christians. Mainly those of us in the Black church. So often we get wrapped up in accusations and gossip that we forget about the people involved. Bishop Long is in many ways like Jesse Young. He is a mega-preacher with a mega-church. He's a businessman. No matter how many years have elapsed since 1960 and 2010, a Black man with that much power and that much money is a threat to white America, and Black America secretly harvests a jealous spirit. However, let me be clear, Bishop Long presents himself to the world as a man of God and in doing so he has a responsibility to uphold the principles of God's word. So if he did participate in the acts he's being accused of he should be punished by law and the rest will God set in order. But he hasn't been proven guilty. Period.
So are we honestly acting appropriately in the midst of the attack against Bishop Long?
As Christians we stand on the fact that God is the center of our lives, right?
If this is the case why are we leaving the cross there to burn?
Why are we so wrapped up in crucifying the Bishop and not praying for him?
Why are we letting the media and gossip dictate what we have been called to do?
The Bible gives us a clear and concise call of duty in II Chronicles: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
What disturbs me most is how many of us have turned our backs on Bishop Long and have not once sought God's face on his behalf, on his family's behalf, or on New Birth's behalf. You probably have barely prayed for the accusers because you are too busy saying "those boys look gay". The Catholic Church frequently faces these types of problems.We often hear of priests molesting boys. But you know what the difference is between us and them? They rally around their priests, pray for them, and proceed with counseling or whatever may be necessary. As a race we don't support one another as we should in the good or the bad.
Bishop Long is not God. We know who God is. That's who we should consult with during this time. Because if you haven't noticed this media massacre has begun to attack our churches, our Black men, the Black gay community, and the God we believe in. So while you're sitting around saying "girl I always knew Eddie Long was gay" or identifying with the brother who says, "this is the reason why I don't go to church" really think about if you are adding fuel or water to the fire.
I have had enough of the massacre with God at the center. It's time for the cross to stop burning! Get on your knees and pray!