So ok it happened and I can't just not write about it.
Let me preface this by saying, my blog really doesn't deserve any mention of 45 or his antics but here we are. I write solely to unload the thoughts held captive by my brain and since I would prefer not to keep rehashing recent events in my mind, I'm gonna gone head and just state my peace and move on.
By now you've all heard about 45's most recent meeting with "inner city" pastors. Seated around the large refurbished Kittinger table were what some media outlets have helmed the "most influential religious leaders" in America. All of whom were Black and or Hispanic, male and female. 45 has met with random athletes, celebrities, and opportunists of color before so it wasn't shocking to me. The meeting agenda was said to be an opportunity for these men and women of GOD to discuss prison reform and reentry efforts with the current administration. The same topic of discussion Kim Kardashian was said to have with 45 in May.
I watched the 30 minute White House streaming of the meeting and while I could easily go in on Ohio pastor Darrell Scott's personal annunciation that 45 is "the most pro-black president that we've had in our lifetime" while simultaneously defaming Obama's name and advertising hair dye for aging men I won't. My typing fingers have not the energy to entertain his delusions of grandeur.
I couldn't however let the day go by without discussing the pastor sitting to the right of 45. Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Gray strategically placed next to 45 because of all the pastors in the room he is the most socially notable. He's known to have made some very interesting commentary about the relationship between men and women that frequently have gone viral. His most recent relationship discussion he had "a seat the table" of the Sister Circle talk show. He also was seen on this season's episode of Basketball Wives as Tami Roman's spiritual advisor and he was also apart of the cast of The Preachers talk show on FOX, which I enjoyed. Pastor Gray seems to have incorporated mainstream media to push forth his mission in ministry.
Since America is currently living in a long disheartening reality show taping its not odd that the top billing cast member, 45, wanted Gray sitting right next to him during the live streaming of this meeting. 45 even asked Gray to open with prayer which he did eloquently as most Black pastors do. IMDb credit worthy I'm sure in 45's eyes. During the portion of the meeting that viewers were privy to Gray thanked 45 for the opportunity to have "a seat at the table."
After the meeting Gray had "a seat at the table" with Don Lemon who asked what we all are thinking. WHY? Gray, strongly told Lemon, "I believe the Lord sent me." Gray also said upon agreeing to attend the meeting he told whomever that he did not want to be photographed. During the conversation with Lemon, Gray again mentions "a seat at the table" as a place where you have the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues.
I can not challenge what GOD tells anyone to do. The conversation Pastor Gray had with GOD is a personal one. I strongly believe that GOD will indeed send us places we never thought we'd ever go. However, the lesson in this for me is that every table ain't meant for you to sit at especially when the table itself is the most sensible entity in the room. In fact as evident in the Bible sometimes GOD commands us to stand not sit.
Pastor Gray its time for take two of your conversation with GOD.
Be blessed.