Short stories, poems, and revelations on life, love, and the pursuit of my dreams.
Monday, November 8, 2010
For Colored Girls

Friday, October 15, 2010
Tackling the Issues Part IV: Sweetest Hangover...Love

I want it all: The marriage, the house, the car, and the kids.
Well, to be perfectly honest I really want to be married, living in a high end real estate brownstone/condo, in some big city, in a trendy little neighborhood, with a Yorkie named Cunty, a posh therapist, 5 kids (4 of which are BLAsian and the youngest one I adopted from South Africa). I want a housekeeper named Griselda and a gardener, her husband, Javier. I want to pump to work in my Louboutins (Gucci flats in my Louis bag) to my high profiled artsy job and live out my days loving and laughing with my family.
Don't laugh. You have to set your dreams high! :)
Nevertheless, we all desire to live out our lives with that one special person that completes our complicated lives. To those who have found this person I am so happy for you. But for those of us who are dating someone or are single we are going through the ups and downs on our journey to true love and I personally want to address these issues.
For about 8 months now I have been back and forth in what I would consider one of the most significant relationships I have ever been in. I am a private person so only a few friends and my brother know who I am dating. The most important aspect of this relationship for me is the self discovery. We all get head strong thinking we know exactly who we are, what we will tolerate, and how we want our relationships to operate. But the reality is when you add another person into the mix you are no longer thinking for you and what you want. You start thinking about what you both need in order to make the relationship work. For instance I was always the one who protested, "I will NEVER tolerate anyone who cheats on me! Uh Uh that's dead!" During the course of the relationship I faced the accusation of infidelity. Strangely enough the way I handled it was nothing like the way I proclaimed. Even though cheating was not proven, the accusation or suspicion can hurt just as bad as committing the act. In love comes toleration and strength that you don't really get to utilize as a single woman.
What bothers me most about love is its stability. People break up or get divorced everyday. Committing my time, energy, and heart to someone with the odds that it just may not work is frightening. I am not a person who accepts failure as an option and will fight hard to make things work. However, if its not meant to be your fight won't be enough to sustain it. I can't explain how much that really bothers me.
I haven't really hashed the solution out. I can say that being in this relationship has brought me closer to the woman I am and has helped me conquer some of my fears. I am a better person than I was 8 months ago. I love my baby more and more everyday. Love heals. Things that frustrate me or hurt me fade away in love. Try not to worry if love will be here tomorrow and focus on the happiness it brings today. Trust in its power, accept its place in your life, and never forget to reciprocate it. It's undoubtedly "the sweetest hangover that I don't want to get over..."
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tackling The Issues Part III: Lil Girls, Lil Secrets, Lil Lies, Lil Lives

Tackling the Issues Part II: "All My Church Babies Say Amen"

Tackling the Issues Part I

Thursday, September 30, 2010
A Burning Cross: A message to Black Christians regarding Bishop Eddie Long

Autumn & Harvest Moon

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Somewhere in Harlem.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mrs. Thursday :)

She's a crowd pleaser.
Everyone's favorite.
Or at least that's what she's convinced herself.
She's fancy.
Every week a new do.
With the added piece of blue, purple, or green track for "pop".
She prides herself in her shoe collection.
Can't afford Louboutins,
So she settles for Jessica Simpson's
And paints the soles red.
She's in love with the dude that gathers the carts at the grocery store.
He loves her too.
But he stutters,
Has no money,
And works at a grocery store.Her image is too important to her to love the "grocery cart guy".
Where she's from and who she is embarrasses her.
She has a plan of escape.
She sleeps with city-wide officials.
She loves "politicking".
Throws back a shot of Tequila and drunkenly convinces herself he's going to leave his wife for her.
"Mrs. Mayor it does have a nice ring to it", she says repeatedly to herself in the mirror.
Thursday night is their night.
She accepts the Thursday night intimate invasions as a down payment on her future wedding ring.
But she constantly wonders why he never looks at her face.
See, Thursday nights are done from behind.
"I never want to make eye contact" he told her when they started.
Every Thursday at 11:30 pm he faithfully invades her space like Poland on Nazi Germany.
She is intrigued by his militarism.
He stands at attention and she salutes him in the nude.
Because secretly, she always wanted a reoccurring role on Army Wives.
When he's done he leaves an envelope on the pillow and says, "You done good, girlie. See you next Thursday."
No kiss goodbye.
No cuddling or how was your day?
She lays on her stomach and rests her chin on her hands.
She doesn't want to smudge her red lip on the white feather pillows.
She's grown to love the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
She reaches over and grabs the envelope.
On it written in what she considers the manuscript of power is: "To: Mrs. Thursday :)"
She's been labeled Mrs. one-day-of-the-week.
She smiles. She loves her nickname.
Inside of the envelope is a note and two crisp $100 bills.
She excitedly hops up and grabs her purse.
She pulls out another envelope which reads: "Wedding Fund"
She adds her newly earned Benjamin's to her stash.
She collapses back on the bed in sheer bliss.
She begins to read the note: "Happy 16th Birthday girlie, you done good. Love, The Mayor."
She kissed the note as if she were kissing him.
"One day" she says, "I'll be your Mrs. Everyday-a-week."
Summer's Prayer

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
This Aint No...

Let me make this clear to you...
This ain't no self-righteous, independent woman rant.
I'm not gonna be running around butt naked in the woods, burning my bra in a bonfire, and yelling "I AM WOMAN HERE ME ROAR!"
These are the facts. Hard evidence.
I was born into a family of deep thinkers.
My father, changed the lives of thousands of inner city youth in the Washington Metropolitan Area.
My mother a rhetorician at best. Humanitarian in the flesh.
Their microcosmic connection, intertwined with the genealogy of generations of men and women who thought deeply...
There I was created, meticulously designed by God.
I am blessed by default.
This ain't no feminists ideology.
I won't be rallying the troops on Capitol Hill, with t-shirts that read: "Pussies Unite", while lobbying congress to take abortion out of the Health care Bill.
This is truth. The honest to God truth.
I CHOOSE to...
Love without expectation.
Make the most out of what I am given.
Give my last to those in need.
Entrap myself in education.
Fight for what I believe in.
Die for the love of the Arts.
Never be ashamed of who I am.
Keep my legs closed.
Keep my heart open.
See the world.
And most importantly put God first in all I do.
This ain't no motivational speech.
I'm not going to cry on Dr. Phil's couch while he tells me some philosophical BS about being in touch with my feelings.
I must choose wisely.
Look at me.
Walking around here with my head held high.
Standing on the backs of those who fought and lost their lives so that I might have a choice!
Jim Crowed to death.
KKK American terrorism at it's best!
How dare I not make the most of the opportunities so many died fighting for?
That is MY history. Sweet liberty.
This aint no revolutionary ideology.
I won't be Jesse Jackson crying on Election Day after jealously, publicly humiliating my "brother" on national television.
This is reality. My reality.
So please don't be confused.
There is nothing average about me.
Watch how you address me.
I am favored.
Fearfully yet wonderfully made.
I won't let any minor obstacles stop me.
My fears don't define me.
My tears won't break me.
My ancestors walk beside me.
My choices are the bridge towards fulfilling my promise.
Consider yourself blessed to know me.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hot. New York City. 4th of July.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Doorway Between Freedom & Forever

Monday, June 21, 2010
Who is she?

Bliss. Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
"What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly" Part III--The Bucket List

"What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly" Part III--The Bucket List.
This is it.
The day before my date of birth.
Before I transition into year 27 I want to set clear and concise goals for myself.
My personal "Bucket List (27)".
"A vision without a plan is an hallucination" and I don't want to ever walk around life without actively seeking out my vision. So my bucket list will be comprised of things I will complete before I am 28.
Here we go:
GRANT WRITING: I will focus more on finding funding for SoulFly Theatre Society in order to pursue projects that I have waiting on the back burner.
HEALTH: I will continue to make my health a priority. I will continue to exercise regularly and eat wisely. I don't want to be a size two but I do want to be physically fit in the size I am supposed to be.
THEATRE: I will act in or direct at least one play.
TRAVEL: I will travel to Italy or Egypt.
LOVE: I will kiss under fireworks and slow dance under the stars and/or in the rain with my love.
FAMILY: I will spend more time with my father's side of the family.
ADVENTURE: I will sky dive and explore living in "The Bush".
Good bye 26. Many would consider this the end of a great year of life. Many would say I'm getting old. I say: "What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly." It's not the end but merely the beginning. I have been running for years, now it's time for me to finally lift off the ground and FLY! I'm ready to conquer this small world so I can move on to the conquering the galaxy.
Pray for me.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
"What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly" Part II--The Release

- When I was little I came across a letter my grandmother wrote to my mother stating that she didn't want any fat grandchildren. From that day on I resented her. Never really wanted to build a relationship with her. Until this day I would rather stay at home if my Mom is visiting her. She is old now and time is of essence. I am letting go so that I can love her during the time we both have left on this earth.
- I sincerely have hate in my heart towards a man in my church. He has said some very disrespectful things about my parents. He once said to me: "that's why your father's dead". Many say hate is a strong word. When you actually feel it in your heart it feels like you are on fire. I have come to the conclusion that hate is the closest emotion to the devil. I don't ever want to have anything in common with the devil, so I am letting this go.
- I was angry at my father for dying. I felt like he gave up on himself and us. When the doctor's were telling him what they could do he refused to do what he was told. He even checked himself out of the hospital. How could he do that? Why wouldn't he fight for his children, who now have to spend the rest of their days father-less? I release this anger. I know he was tired and I know he is in a place where he can rest.
- I don't like how two of my aunts speak to my mother. It bothers my soul. Telling her to do this and pay that. How dare you speak to her like that? I also don't like how my aunt speaks to me. It causes me to be disrespectful and have an attitude in her presence. I say goodbye to being on defense mode with my family. I say goodbye to the feeling of not even wanting to claim them as my family.
- My first love...I think this man scared me for life. He was a pathological liar and caused me to have series trust issues. I let go of you and the damage you caused in my adolescent heart. I remove those walls I put up so people like you couldn't hurt me again. I open my heart again...
- My nay-sayers, haters, and fake friends...Just to appear strong many people say "feel free to hate on me." I can personally attest to situations I have been in where things said and done to me by this particular group of people has affected me mentally and emotionally. As a result I find myself wanting to avoid social situations for fear of humiliation. Confidence can be used as a facade to mask insecurity. I know I am not the only person with this issue, but I am releasing it. No more covering up and hiding. No more wanting revenge. No more allowing the real me to become muted.
There are some experiences that I just couldn't bring myself to type. I release you as well. You no longer have me bound.
I am almost ready to enter into year 27 with a clear head and a plan to attain the vision I have for my life...
Stay Tuned for Part III...
Monday, June 7, 2010
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly." Part I--The Favor List

- High School graduate.
- Graduated with honors from Columbia College Chicago with a B.A.
- Graduated with honors from Syracuse University with a M.A.
- One of two to graduate first from my program at Syracuse University.
- Started my own Theatre Company, Soulfly Theatre Society.
- Directed a successful fundraising production of The Vagina Monologues.
- Pledged Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
- Worked for President Barack Obama when he was a Senator.
- Worked for Senator Roland W. Burris (the only Black Senator in the Senate).
- Traveled to South Africa.
- Traveled to Senegal.
- Traveled to The Gambia.
- Traveled to Paris, France.
- Traveled to London, England.
- Traveled to Iceland.
- Served homeless women for 2 years at Deborah's Place.
- Served inner city youth through Family Matters of Greater Washington's Camp Moss Hollow.
- Acted in several plays.
- Won several oratorical contests.
- Choreographer for Divine Order Adult Dance Ministry.
I've done a lot in such a short time. I love the woman I am and the woman I will become. Thank you God for these blessings. I love the Master for he has placed his hand over my life. My possibilities are endless. My faith will never die. Looking up with a prayerful heart and open arms for whatever is next...
Stay tuned for Part II...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Speak Life

Friday, April 30, 2010
Look up...

The V-Card: A Requiem for Myself

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What will your legacy be?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Love vs. Saturdays

Saturday, April 17, 2010
A Dream Sequence

Jury Duty: A "Civic Responsibility"