I couldn't sleep last night. I tossed and turned. I got up and drank a cup of tea. I put my Ipod on repeat and tried to mellow myself out. Nothing seemed to help. I was restless, worried, hurt...I listened to my inner thoughts speak. Conversations of loneliness and giving up. Conversations of regret and depression. I found myself sitting straight up staring at the wall. I looked at the clock it read 5:00 am. I went over to the window. Looked up at the sky. It was turquoise. Turquoise. A blue-ish green masterpiece painted in the sky. Everything was silent. Nothing moved. No clouds. No birds.
That's God! He was waiting for me to talk to Him.
I was so caught up in trying to figure out the thoughts in my head and the heavy burden in my heart...I forgot to look up. I forgot to "look to the hills from whence cometh my help."
When you are lonely...look up
When you are sad...look up
When things aren't going as planned...look up
When you feel like you can't go on...look up
We get so caught up in our problems we forget to look up.
Never forget to look up and listen to God speak. He will stop everything and everyone to listen and speak to you. "While we are trying to figure it out God has already worked it out."
With an open heart just...look up.
I really needed these words. I try to survive so much on my own. I really need to just look up and let him work.