Short stories, poems, and revelations on life, love, and the pursuit of my dreams.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Look up...

The V-Card: A Requiem for Myself

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What will your legacy be?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Love vs. Saturdays

Saturday, April 17, 2010
A Dream Sequence

Jury Duty: A "Civic Responsibility"

Saturday, April 10, 2010
My Sleeping Angel

Friday, April 9, 2010
Dear Artist: "A Why Did I Get Married Too Review"

Good Morning Spring

Thursday, April 8, 2010
To be young, gifted, and FAT!

- FAT: worse than being sick, or homeless, or jobless, or *dead*.
- FAT: Discriminated against more than a Black person, a Jew, or a Middle Eastern.
But to be FAT, Black, and a woman? Well, you might as well be dead, right? No one is going to love you, right?
19th Century Europe put us on display in a freak show, named us "Hottentot Venus" when our name was Saartjie Baartman. They raped us and in death put our genitals, brain, and skeletal remains on display in a museum. 1920's Harlem had us stereotyped in to the A-sexual caregiver who cooked, cleaned, sang, and watched after her white boss's children. We wore a rag on our head and a smile on our face. 21st Century Hollywood has us on the big screen unkempt, poor, sexually abused, physically abused, mentally abused, illiterate, HIV positive, and an unwed mother due to an incestuous relationship. Running through the streets of NY with a bucket of stolen chicken in our hand and a scowl on our face. We are barbaric, beasts, nasty, and ugly.
Respusha, Big Momma, Precious, A member of the Klump family.
We're not beautiful, right? We don't deserve respect, right?
We are mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. We are in relationships and we do get married. We are talented and educated. We are sexy.
The fact that we can walk down the street in a society/world that continues to belittle our existence speaks measures to our strength.
To be young, gifted, and FAT! Go ahead, it's funny right? I know you want to laugh...
*Exit carrying my purse*
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My Interview w/Love

Confessions of a Purse Carrier: The Introduction

So...I have this theory of sorts. There are several women who are walking around earth (or some other strange place) suffering from "The Purse Carrying Syndrome". Let me explain: In every group of girlfriends there is always at least one girl in the group that is hit with the line: "Hey girl, can you hold my purse?" This occurs mostly in social settings (i.e. clubs, lounges and bars).
She is...
- socially awkward yet is liked by many.
- secretly shy
- the comedian of the group
- most of the time the money her friends have their purses she gave to them.
- she may very well be a virgin or lack experience with the opposite sex.
- she watches her friends live their lives boldly and when they come crashing down she's there to help them pick up the pieces.
- she hides behind the facade of academia but cant find the appropriate rhetoric to hide loneliness.
- she's the anchor for many except herself.
- she's strong.
- she holds her friends baggage while suppressing her own.
- people say she's "too quiet" at times, but she's used to listening.
- she places the feelings of others before her own.
- she gives just to give and is uncomfortable when someone wants to return the favor.
"Hi, my name is Cyn and I suffer from Purse Carrier Syndrome". I am her and she is me. I guess this started back in high school at the school dances. I had a crush on Kwasi (aaaah memories) but my girls were always one step ahead of me...one lip gloss shade prettier (or so i thought). I have carried my friends purses for over 13 years. I have carried all types of purses big, medium sized, little. Gucci, Louis, and Fendi (all knock offs of course). I've carried the "I'm pregnant, I cant tell my mom" purse, the "I'm cheating on my boyfriend" purse, the "My baby Daddy ain't shit but I still love him purse", and the "I am going to commit suicide" purse.
I have reached a point in my life where I don't want to be that girl anymore. I love my friends but I want live with them not through them. This blog will document my journey towards success, love, and an amazing life. Letting go of my friend's baggage so that I can start to deal with my own....Welcome to "Confessions of a Purse Carrier"...Enjoy!