It's been forever I know! But I'm back at it. It's the beginning of a new month. Spring is vastly approaching and there is a lot to see, accomplish, and dare to dream.
I've been using my time off to travel mostly. I've been everywhere from Chicago to Jamaica. I even had the opportunity to spend time in Las Vegas. While traveling I had a lot of time to reflect on my life and the direction it is headed.
For the most part I am at a stand still in my life. Not progressing much. Not living my life to its full potential. I got caught up in helping others with their lives/problems and forgot to take care of myself. Typical "Purse Carrier" behavior. We take on every one's issues without taking care of ourselves. To me this is almost equivalent to self-mutilation.
As I spent hours looking out the window of an airplane, looking down through the clouds at the skyline of cities many people only dream about I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I ignored God's blessing over my life and tarnished it with the mess and negativity of others. Masking it with sacred actions such as love, friendship, and support.
Just think if we put the same amount of energy as we put into our friends or significant others as we do to God we wouldn't find ourselves in situations of regret, heartache, turmoil or strife. Where man strips of everything God replenishes what is stolen.
Today, I stand my ground. Having learned a lesson for which I already knew the outcome, the hard way. I'm just not going to deal with negative, self loathing people anymore, I will not place myself in situations where I am knowingly sinning against God and then make excuses for my behavior, I'm rearranging my life so that it can return to being fruitful and rewarding, and most importantly I am going to stop waisting time, energy, and money on people and things that won't benefit my growth as a woman...as a woman of Christ.
I am thankful for lessons learned, the chance to try until I get it right, and the next reflection I'll encounter looking down through the clouds at the skyline of the city of Barcelona, Italy. Seeing the world puts my world in perspective.
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