Long time no blog....yes, yes, I know. The urge to write is always there but I just haven't put forth an effort to capture and post my thoughts. There have been so many things disturbing my spirit for the past few months from the Trayvon Martin case, the questionable Stop Kony 2012 movement, the blatant disrespect these elected members of Congress have shown my POTUS, Mitt Romney's ever growing, gray side burns that are channeling the parasites in Ignorantville who are encouraging him to be the lead ignoramous, Global warming's clear mission to have us confusedly sweating during the winter months and burn us all to ashes this summer, and of course The Real Housewives of Atlanta acting like pure grass-fed, free-ranged, coonish hens in South Africa.
There's so much I could cover today but my thoughts have been consumed and I even lost sleep over one thing and one thing only...
Before I begin to dissect whats bothering me I do want to preface this post by saying I have been taught "to whom much is given, much is required." God's continuous blessings and favor over my life has been abundant. With these blessings and favor comes a responsibility. Now, its easy when the responsibility involves doing something for myself, or my family, but its when God places you in the uncomfortable situations smack dab in the middle of controversy and challenges you to live up to your responsibilities is when it can be difficult. You can lose friends and loved ones. Martin and Malcolm were killed living up to their responsibilities/callings. But when God says, "do it" in my life He stops everything until its done. So I had to get up early today and write this post. God has blessed me with so much artistic talent and this is the venue in which he uses me to live up to my responsibilities.
With all that being said I call this post "The Audacity of a Ninja".
I have made a conscious effort not to call Black folk the "N" word anymore. No matter how we camouflage the word as a term of endearment, add the "a" or "ah" to the end of it, or pop it for Daddy when we hear it on our favorite tune, it was once a word used to chastise my Grandmother and I'm sure when I walk into a room full of Wonder Bread they still whisper it under their breaths. So I have been really trying to reprogram myself to not say the word.
I now say ninja.
Ninja is a Japanese term. A ninja is a member of a feudal society, highly trained in martial arts, and is usually hired to sabotage or assassinate. Now, I know the question will be: "Well, are you saying Black people are always trying to sabotage something?" DING! DING! DING! 100 points for you Lacreesha! YES! Not all of us but a lot of us. The next question I'm sure is: "Well, why is this only specific to Black people? Don't other races of people sabotage things?" And to that I say, you are absolutely right TaeQuan, they do, but I'm not talking about them today I'm talking about you!
This crabs-in-a-barrel mentality is tearing up families, friendships, social groups, and churches. Ninjas conspire before seeing what transpires. From the most educated to the welfare Mom. Some parents are teaching it to their children. It is out of control and I can't figure out why. Why is it that we will tear each other down, but march and rally against people like Zimmerman while we are killing each other literally and figuratively? After decades of having to endure racism and degradation towards us from other races we turn around and do the same thing to one another.
What makes it worse are statements like these:
"Obama doesn't do anything for Black people!"
"As long as all my kids are born two years a part I'll always get a check!"
"Light-skin girls/guys are cuter."
"My babIES daddies aint shit!"
"I get high everyday all day."
"You got that nigger hair."
"You going to college, you bourgeoisie."
"Oh, no girl, I don't go on that side of town, they ghetto."
Need, I say more? STOP IT! RIGHT NOW! It's time for us to STOP IT NOW! No more ninja behavior. No more perpetuating stereotypes. We need to rise above whatever circumstance, neighborhood, job title, financial status or achievements and start respecting and supporting one another. If we disagree, do it respectfully. Stop buying the drugs and guns that are wiping out our communities. Stop moving to the suburbs and not giving back to our poorer communities. More importantly stop killing each other! There are too many issues we face as a race daily and I am tired of dealing with the same exact issues from people who look just like me.
Brilliant!!! Read this like twice and its just beautiful.