Where oh where should I begin? Personal? Political? Social?

Let me go back a bit. In 2010 I first started my blog out of frustration with my life and how I was not only being perceived but also how I perceived myself. "The Purse Carrier" I called myself. Read more about my theory here: Purse Carrier Theory.
Four years later this theory is still very real. But there have been some changes.
I have been possessed by my 30 year old spirit. Her name is Celeste.
Celeste seemingly has her ish together. She no longer desires to hang out in clubs and bars so she avoids those purse holding nights all together. She works hard, loves GOD, goes to church, volunteers, and is an upstanding citizen. She still lives at home with her Momma, which in the minds of the moronically opinionated is a red flag, but she actually enjoys being with her Mother (most of the time). On the surface and on paper she's a woman headed to greatness. But…there is a but...GOD help her...she's a pistol.
Since I have turned 30, Celeste was born. She rocks a big mean afro underneath her ombre blonde
colored weave. Celeste is a Black Christian-ist, Black feminist, Black womanist, Black Youth-ist, and Black equality-ist. All Black erythang! She's the type to wear her Jesus sandals in the rain and dare you to say one word. Celeste has an extremely low tolerance for nonsense. Someone said something about her, her family, her friends, her OBAMA? She's confronting them, right away! Head on! She always prays for the right words to say but is frank and straight forward. She doesn't entertain "he say, she say." By the end of whatever "they say", you can bet Celeste is headed right to the source. Celeste believes she is Stokley Carmichael and Miriam Makeba's love child. She will stand on top of any furniture…well wait she's a big girl so let's retract that statement. She's not about that "Scarlet takes a tumble" life. She will stand out in the middle of the street yelling "Black Power", "Amandla", "Ready for a revolution", unbothered by your opinion of her. She's a 30 year old activist and she is ready for a change!
I don't know if this is a good trait to have or not but I do know it feels good. Damn good. I've let go of grudges and I am able to say my peace and go about my business. This being 30 thing is beauty marked.
I know the stages of life differ and by the time I'm 60, GOD willing, I will have evolved into an older woman with more idiosyncrasies. As long as I'm not introducing Cruela I will be fine. But I love this journey I'm on and I am proud of the woman I am becoming. As for now…
Viva la 30! Viva la Celeste!