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Art By: Solomon Omogboye |
I hated 2nd Thursdees out the month. Mama signed me up for etiquette class at Madame Marbury’s house. All’s I really wanted to do was race Jean Paul up and down Center Avenue. After I whooped his ass he'd pay me my $2.00 because ain't no race without a cash bet! Wit my money I'd get me a quarter water from the Deli and put the rest in my piggy bank. I always beat Jean Paul. He was slower than molasses. Fool tried to get me to race his cousin last summer. Cousin came all way up from Mississippi to race me. All week Jean Paul kept saying, "my cousin coming and he faster than Jessie Owens! He goin’ smoke you out your britches!” Whatever the hell that mean. I only raced for the money so I said, "your cousin gonna have to pay me double when I beat him since he ain’t from round here." "Aight, bet!" I took off running when I heard Rudy say “go!” Halfway down Center Jean Paul's cousin fell to the ground. Say he had on the wrong shoes. Say he tripped. Over his own feet? Man, it was a waste of my time! I could’ve been at the lake wit Daddy or picking figs off Ma June tree. I told Jean Paul he had to pay me $5.00 for wasting my summer day. "How your cousin wear Jesus sandals to a race anyway?"
At recess today Jean Paul stood up on the stump talking bout he let me win all those races cuz I’m a girl and his Nanny told him to be nice to girls. Say, “I’m tired of being nice,” and held up a crispy $5.00 bill. “Put up or shut up, Mighty Mouse!” I hated when he called me that! Besides, fool knew I couldn’t race today. He knew all the girls had to go to Madame Marbury’s house after school. I didn’t even have on the right clothes or shoes. Last month Madame Marbury made me stay after for 20 whole minutes to talk to me bout my “hygiene.” Say, don’t show up to her house no more with muddy shoes smelling like outside. I’d rather smell like outside than moth balls and Bengay that she tried to cover with Amber musk. Bengay smells so strong, makes my eyes water. I told Mama and she said, “be more intentional about how you look and more careful at recess next time that’s all.” I wanted to push Jean Paul off the stump but I knew if I did we’d start rumbling and I’d get dirty and have to hear Madame Marbury’s mouth. Mama would be disappointed in me too. So I went over to the other side to play Jacks with Cassie.When we got to Madame Marbury’s she looked me up and down and sniffed my neck. “Better” she said. Better? This ain't better, this is best! I did my best! What did this lady want from me? But I ain’t say it out loud. Mama would have a fit if I did. Daddy too. But I did have a turnip green attitude. Pretty to look at but nasty to taste. I sat down and put my elbows on her table and rested my chin in the palms of my hands. The other girls gasped. Cassie whispered, “Livi, your elbows!” I didn’t care. I was tired. Tired of it all! Madame Marbury came rushing over to the table and whacked it with her yardstick.
"Madame Dixon sit down! You have not been dismissed."
I got up annoyed. I wanted to ask her to take her wig off so I could see her real hair but I didn’t. That’s respectable.