Thursday, June 27, 2019

ON WHAT: An Ode to June

Jacob Lawrence, Summer Street Scene in Harlem (1948)
When I was in college my ex used to say, "on what" in response to almost everything. I guess you can add that to the ever growing list of midwestern colloquialisms...Black midwestern colloquialisms. It annoyed me as a DC girl that it was used so much in conversation. The more I think about it though, its very similar to our "aight moe," "you loafin'/lunchin', or "you gassin'." In layman's terms it simply means "really," "wow," "oh-em-gee," or "you're lying/playing." It all depends on the inflection or lack there of in the speakers voice.

As I wrap up June, my birth month, the end of the school year, start of summer break, and only about 7 more months till 2020 I find myself thinking: "ON WHAT!" My inflection varies too depending on which part of the month or occurrences during the month that I'm talking about.

June: surprises in heat/

kids running free/ 
corner store/jumbo popsicle and seeds/
big gold hoops/
halter tops/
pedicured feet/
say goodbye to spring's flings/
and hello to summer’s crazy nights/
cookouts/ pool parties/block parties
walks on the beach/
watching the rays of the sun
reach their peak/
daylight actually saves time/time to relax/
time to sweat/time to turn the AC on/time to reset/
less clothes/less constraint/
jazz in the park/movies after dark/
top down/music loud/
fahrenheit/riding on the back of your boo's bike/
corn rows/nice and neat/ brothers yellin’ “aye bay bay”
from their tinted Impala windows/
leaned back seat

June: gemini/
watermelon cocktails/
freedom/full bloom
so much love/
ON WHAT June/leaving so soon?/ 
don't go/ 
only you can mend the friction between earth
and moon

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